Thursday, May 27, 2010


Also check out youtube for shorter version.


WYBPG welcome New members:
Paul, Kevin, Cris and Marcel

Thanks to the helpful stuffs of tagpaintball, we have got a lot more photos as well as video.

It was another GREAT game with lots of new bruises.

Monday, April 12, 2010


WYBPG WELCOME new members:
Justin Ho. Reto. Brendon. Victor. ChongLek.

Operation Echo was carried out @ TAG PAINTBALL.
Their terrain is spacious and lots of area to take cover.
Plus the staffs are extremely polite and professional.
They took care of us really well.

The setback is the pricing is the highest of all the other paintball arena and their inflexibility of selling their pellets in lesser quantity. (It's sold by 1000 pellets per box)

Kingpin and Sniper Steve testing out their TIPPMEN 98 Custom

And the prize-shot...


WE sincerely apologise for the silence!
Nevertheless, Operation Demolition was yet ANOTHER exciting and great operation!!

UNFORTUNATELY, we had some serious casualty!!

Thursday, October 1, 2009


Camp Delta, location classified

At ease. Alright, listen up.

We'll be deploying to Crossfire on October 11th. Mission start time is in the PM, so you should aim to get there by 1430 hours. If you're late, the C130 will leave and you better start running if you wanna catch up.

What's that, boy? Nothing? Then shuddup and give me 50.

Same mission objective again as last time - combat search and retrieval. Each team member has to retrieve their own objective marker and return to base. Since everyone is cross-trained in the medic MOS, you'll all be equipped with med packs to deliver assistance to downed comrades. We did this before in CHEETAH, you'll have no problem in DEMOLITION.

Only difference is that we're now in an urban environment, so ranges are short and hits are nasty. You'll be issued vests, but fat load of good they'll do ya if you're hit in the head. So keep low and stay low. Yes, that means you, "Rambo". Done with your 50, kid? Awright, get back to your seat.

There may be some complications. HQ may have secondary mission objectives for us, so stay frosty. Things may change on the ground. When we're nearer the drop zone, we'll let you know what other rules are in effect. Expect heavy opposition and keep track of your ammo. There will be a limit on how much you're assigned each sortie.

Questions? None? Good. Now go kick some a$$.

Move out.

Rules of Engagement

1. Combat search and retrieval. Each team has equal members. Each member must retrieve one mission objective and return to the base for the team to win. If the team member is hit, they must drop the objective at the point where they were hit. Once all objectives have been returned to base the team wins. Team members who have retrieved their objective can return to the fight but cannot retrieve any more objectives for their team mates. One member = one objective.

2. Medic. If a team member is downed from enemy fire, they must stay prone and cannot fire. Friendly team mates can 'tag' them to get them back into the game.

Optional rules in effect:

We may try to insert ROGUE TEAM or SNIPER rules if the situation permits (see detailed description below), but because this is a new environment, we'll need to see whether they make sense in play and whether the marshals can accommodate it.



Security Clearance: Black (Eyes Only)



Objective accomplished. Team 7 completed primary mission and managed to retrieve all components of the [CLASSIFIED] under heavy fire from unidentified terrorist insurgent forces.

(Pre-Op): Mission Team in green camo, Terrorists in non-regulation wear.

(Post-Op): Tired, sweaty, in pain, but still friends...

LCpl Loo displays his many wounds from the field of battle.

Special Notes: Thanks to LCpl Loo's self-sacrifice, the Team were able to defeat the terrorists each time. Special commendation for a purple heart. SPC Loo (LCpl Loo) also singled out for citation for valour when he ran out and saved his entire team who had been hit and waiting for medical attention. Lt Tang suffered serious hit to chin as a result of terrorist sniper fire. But facial reconstruction surgery was successful and Lt Tang should be able to return to operational readiness for the next mission.

+++++END TRANSMISSION...Begin Encryption....[ENCRYPTED]+++++

Friday, August 28, 2009


Operation Covert initiated on 28 August 2010
Location: Zone ARMOUR, Skudai Sector
Deployment Time: 0900 hrs
Teams Deployed:
Rook (l-r): Ranger Lord, Kingpin, Alex (CO), Sniper Steve
Raven (l-r): Woz, Howie, Snakeman JC, G.I. J (CO)
Engagement began at 0930. Delay caused by poor satellite intel and malfunctioning GPS. Teams eventually arrived at DZ thanks to fly-by-sight skills of designated pilots. Weather conditions fair, although earlier precipitation caused the ground to be slightly damp, hindering movement while on the ground.

Team Raven saw heavy fire and eventually lost Woz, although he continued to maintain cover fire for his teammates from where he was pinned down. Snakeman JC was also a considerable threat, owing to his serpentine profile which allowed him to evade fire with ease. G.I. J continued to impress with his acrobatic rolls and action-hero moves, although these caused him to take a disproportionate amount of fire and hits.
Team Raven's Howie continued his one-man reign of terror by disappearing from view into the jungle, leaving only his bright blue bandanna in sight - frequently the last thing his victims saw before they received a maskful of paint.

On the Rook Team's side, CO Alex led by example, as he showed his troops how to perform a flawless suicide window maneouvre when pinned down by heavy fire. Unfortunately, he vaulted out of cover and into heavier fire, resulting in him being rendered an instant casualty (Purple Heart and DSC citations posthumously awarded). Sniper Steve maintained focus on high-value targets, claiming responsibility for much of the injuries sustained by G.I. J.
Kingpin also was responsible for heavy casualties while maintaining a high rate of mobility to provide urgent medical attention to fallen comrades.
Mission Objectives completed by about 1200 hrs, with both teams withdrawing to Extraction Site KELONG. More notable injuries sustained by combatants documented as follows:
Field treatment rendered prior to team extraction back to base by 1500 hrs. Further treatment administered at RAINTREE base using advanced J.A.C.U.Z.Z.I. technology.
+++ END REPORT +++